A welcome and introduction by Nick Brothers

Nov 19 News


Our maiden voyage has been completed with our inaugural fixture being played against Old Cranleighians. Having had our initial fixture the previous week against Old Wellingtonians called off at the 11th hour due to the fact the opposition failed to raise a side, it was a relief to finally take to the field.

Without dwelling too much on the detail of the cricket itself, we bowled Cranleigh out for a respectable 200 odd, to then fall approximately 50 runs short in our chase. Although the scores would make it appear we were facing Curtly Ambrose on a wicket similar to Sabina Park, Martin Jones who skippered for the day, informed me that Cranleigh were excellent hosts, provided superb facilities and are very enthusiastic about playing the fixture annually.

A personal thank you to the OM Society and in particular John Davies and John Graveney for their help in supporting the hospitality evening at the Oval. It was really encouraging to see so many Old Boys present supporting the venture and it was the perfect platform to help launch the club as well as reaffirm how much potential we have.

The fixture list for next year is beginning to look quite comprehensive. The plan will be to have different match-day captains who will be responsible for organising their own sides, that way it should be easier to get a core group of players at each game who know each other, as well as taking the burden away from the committee, i.e myself.

Finally, given the level of interest is now approaching 100 players, the fixture list taking shape for next year, as well as the fact that we’ll soon be attracting 7- digit sponsorship deals, I’d be fairly keen to share the workload and delegate out some responsibilities. Therefore, if anyone would like the title of hon. treasurer, fixture secetary or social secretary after their name, let me know and a brief ceremony can be arranged at very short notice.

Any OMs who would like to be involved, in any capacity, please get in touch with me. 07900 245167 or email:  nick@nbcapital.co.uk

Nick Brothers: (1996-2001; Shapwick)


Photo: Founder Members at Cranleigh
Matt Armitage, Neil Goodman, Matthew Jamieson, John Capper, Martin Jones and Edward Fromson
Jack Waller and George Chalke